May meeting: "Stand Up - Speak Up"

We are thrilled to advise that we have Heather Salmon, Facilitator and Performance Consultant from APEX Performance Solutions to join us for our May meeting.  Heather specialises in the development and delivery of performance improvement programmes including: leadership development and mentoring, team effectiveness, customer service, creative thinking, time management and business writing.

She is the author of seven highly successful self-directed learning workbooks, which are sold widely in New Zealand, Australia and Asia.  These are Effective Leadership, Effective Business Writing, Effective Oral Communication, Effective Customer Service, Effective Business Negotiation, Effective Reports and Proposals and Effective Time Management.

Heather will be talking to us on the following:

Topic: Speak up: Build your confidence and skills in speaking to groups

•       Build your credibility: Look and sound confident as you speak
•       Three is the magic number: Organise your thoughts
•       Begin and end well: Last words last longest and first words last second to longest
•       Manage those nerves: The power of self-talk
•       Just do it: Grab your opportunities to speak

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission