Your Time Matters - Working Smart in a Hybrid World

Tuesday 28th of February 2023 05:30 PM - Tuesday 28th of February 2023 07:00 PM
Location name
AREA Events

Join us at Area Events with for drinks and nibbles for a presentation from Chris Macintosh, Managing Director, Priority Management NZ.

“Too much to do and not enough time in which to do it?”

Today, more than ever we are under constant pressure to perform. It is then critical we are working smarter not harder. Tonight’s session will focus on how to increase productivity in achieving the right results, saving time and thereby reducing stress in the fast-moving environment specific to PA/EAs. Based on Priority Management’s Productivity Formula: Right TASK + Right TOOL + Right PROCESS = Right RESULT You will identify how you can work smart in terms of effectively managing your Workload, Time, Email and Communications. You will be shown how you can tailor your tools such as Outlook, OneNote, MS Teams and Smart Phones to work “smart” for you and adopt Best Practise Processes, specific to PA/EAs, which will enhance and improve your performance. This will be an interactive session with plenty of opportunity for discussion and sharing of ideas, tips and techniques.

After attending this session you will be more aware of how to:

• Fully utilise your “office tools” to support the way you want to work

• Put a daily planning process in place, while remaining flexible enough to respond to important priorities

• Work from a clear inbox, and manage inbound work pro-actively rather than reactively

• Feel more in control and motivated and reduce stress levels

• Achieve a long lasting and healthy work/life integration.


Thanks to...

AREA events for sponsoring the venue
Dusted & Delicious for sponsoring the catering
Chris Macintosh for running this session for no fee.

Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 5:30pm - 7:00pm

If you wish to change your RSVP, please email

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Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission