PACE May event - Game-changing tips for emails

Friday 5th of May 2023 05:30 PM - Friday 5th of May 2023 07:00 PM
Location name
AREA Events, Boulcott Suites

Ever spent way too long crafting the perfect email, only to have it ignored? Are you writing to busy readers who need to get the key information quickly and easily? We can help!

In this session, you’ll learn how to write professional, on-brand emails that reflect well on you and your workplace. You’ll understand the benefits of:

  • using compelling and accurate subject lines
  • having a clear purpose and reader-focused structure
  • using statement headings
  • making any calls to action clear
  • writing short and clear sentences.

We look forward to making your email life easier!

Presented by Thomas McGrath from Write Limited

Friday, 5 May 2023, 5:30pm - 7:00pm

If you wish to change your RSVP please email

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Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission