March Member meeting: Glenda Hughes

GLENDA HUGHES:  From the Sports Field to the Boardroom

These days you’re more likely to find Glenda in a boardroom than walking the beat; throwing a shot put or behind a radio microphone or in a TV studio.

Glenda’s journey from the sports field as a National Championship shot-put record holder, a Commonwealth Games Representative and holder of four New Zealand power lifting records to the boardroom makes interesting reading.  Glenda has presence and has worked with (and continues to do so,) influential leaders in the public and private sector and sports and is well respected because of her strong, fearless and independent thinking ability.

There is a story to be told, but more importantly it’s the underlying messages that Glenda will share on the importance of:

* Setting goals

* Managing change

* Being a good leader

* An EA

Glenda is experienced in management, leadership and corporate governance and as the owner and managing director of a communications and media strategy company is recognised as an expert in working with the media.  She has significant board and sporting experience through her service on the boards of the public sector, charitable trusts and the Parole Board. Glenda has a BA with a double major in Sociology and Criminology; a Bachelor of Arts degree and holds a post graduate paper in creative non-fiction writing; a Certificate in Athletic Career Management; and has completed papers for a Diploma in Business Administration, Communications and Dispute Resolution.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission