Cancelled - PACE August Meeting - Speaking Up and Being Heard in Meetings

Sadly, due to alert level changes, we have had to cancel this meeting.  We will look to reschedule as soon as we are able.


The year of Zoom is over, and we are getting back to ‘in real life’ meetings. But are you making the most of your time in them, are you participating or just observing?  During this presentation Diana Thomson of SpeechMarks Coaching will present practical strategies to help you participate, speak up and be heard.

  • Learn how to make your attendance or organisation of meetings more productive
  • How to master any meeting
  • When to speak up and ways to improve your participation
  • Answer any question confidently

A book give away (Spot Prize) will be included for in the room participants,  a worksheet with a summary of the ‘Top Tips’ from the presentation plus an optional handouts via email will be available.

Special Offer for PACE Members!  
To utilise Diana's time during her trip to Wellington she is offering PACE members a 10% discount on training or coaching sessions held on the day of our meeting (Tuesday 31 August).  If you're interested in finding out more contact Diana at 021 028 54068, or more info at

About the presenter
Diana Thomson is an international trained speaker and public speaking coach with a passion for helping people find their voice. SpeechMarks Coaching brings together her corporate experience, her time as an International Relocations Consultant and workshop presenter, and many years of studying the art of public speaking.  Initially it focused on helping women speak up and be heard, she continues this with her She Says So women’s public speaking course. Diana now provides workshops, DISC Profiling for business teams and personal coaching, along with a variety of keynote presentations around speaking up.   Diana’s book Anyone Can Speak Confidently, the recipe for public speaking success is a great guide for people that need practical tips on delivering speeches in the business environment.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 12 February 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Sofitel Hotel - Lady Norwood Room