PACE Annual General Meeting / Salary Survey Results

(Note - due to the Labour Day holiday we have moved this meeting out a week.)

This year we will be combining our AGM with a presentation of the results of the recent salary survey, conducted on our behalf by Madison.  Notice of the meeting, along with the nomination and proxy forms are attached.

We wanted to ensure we could get the results of the survey out to members as soon as possible, but mindful the year is rapidly coming to a close so holding an additional event was not feasible.

Papers for the AGM will be circulated in plenty of time before the meeting to allow members time to review, which will allow us ample time to see the presentation from Madison on the survey results.

Our thanks to Madison for conducting this important survey for us and hosting us for this meeting.



Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission