PACE May Meeting - Are you sorted?

This month we are pleased to have Paul Nicolini , learning delivery specialist at Sorted at Work, part of the Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC), come and talk to us about the importance of financial capability education in the workplace and how it affects productivity and wellbeing. He will go through the different themes and topics offered in Sorted at Work’s programme suite as well as some brand new product offerings.

What is financial capability?

Financial capability is about giving people choices. It’s having the skills, knowledge, confidence, and motivation to make informed financial decisions. It supports individual wellbeing as well as contributing to the efficiency and prosperity of the national economy.

CFFC offer a wide range of courses, seminars and webinars to help your employees get ahead financially and ultimately retire with confidence.  You may be familiar with their website and advertising campaigns.

Come along and hear more about the programmes they offer, there will be time for Q&A at the end and a fun financial capability quiz to start things off with!

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission