WETA workshop

Welcomed by Ri Streeter (EA to Richard Taylor) and Raashi Sheehan (EA to GM David Wilks) to a private event in the Weta Workshop Experience tour space.  

Guests will have an opportunity to get up close to the artistry behind 20 years of creativity and practical effects. Hear first-hand tales of filmmaking, and learn how Weta Workshop helps make imaginary worlds a reality!

Art of Fake Blood-making Workshop:

A significant amount of blood and torn flesh has been created within the Workshop, including New Zealand Cult Classic (1991) Brain-dead which is renowned for its abundance of Blood and Gore.

Guests will have an opportunity to roll up their sleeves in our kitchen of horror (or just watch) as we create convincing fake movie blood!

If schedules allow, General Manager David Wilks will briefly talk to us about his tenure at Weta Workshop and expound on the wonderful support he receives and the importance of support roles in a creative business like Weta Workshop.

This is a limited numbers event. First in – first served. As such please only confirm attendance if you are able to attend. RSVP by 10 September.

PACE will arrange transport to and from WETA from the city centre and will approach confirmed attendees after RSVP close-off to arrange this.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission