PACE Meeting 1 March 2022 - Reinventing the EA Role and the importance of building your personal brand / Sofitel Famil

Two great reasons to come to our next meeting … hear from one of our members about reinventing the EA role, and take the opportunity for a look around Sofitel!

Krisna Crowley Nepia has been a PACE member for a number of years, and currently is EA to the Hutt City Council Mayor Campbell Barry.  Krisna will talk about reinventing the EA role and how important it is to build your own personal brand.  It’ll be a great opportunity for a good Q&A session where we can have a chat about where people are at in their current roles, and just how do you go about reinventing things, staying relevant and being effective. 

This session may be the beginning of a regular slot where PACE members can have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights – watch this space.

And while we have been using Sofitel as our home base for meetings over the past few years, it’s been a while since we’ve provided members the opportunity for a famil at the hotel.

If you are keen to join the famil please arrive between 5pm - 5.15pm to allow time for the famil, before we kick off the meeting at 6pm.  If you are not going to join the famil, you’re welcome to come along at the usual time of 5.30pm, drinks and nibbles will be available from then.

We look forward to seeing you there!



Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Transport Accident Investigation Commission